For more than 50 years, Amon Construction has been a trusted contractor for quality bulkheads, docks, pile driving, house raising, boat lifts and piers along the Jersey Shore. Whether you are looking for a new bulkhead and dock, pilings for a new home, house raising for an existing home, or a boat lift and pier for your new waterfront property, Amon Construction offers the highest quality construction service to meet your needs.
“We would highly recommend Amon Construction for your house raising needs.
The quality of work, professionalism in all aspects, and their great staff — we could not have been more pleased.”
– Barbara and Michael M., Manahawkin, N.J.
By choosing Amon Construction, you will have peace of mind knowing that your marine construction project will be in the hands of licensed experts with decades of experience. Our workers are advanced in craftsmanship and take great pride in the projects they construct. We are a New Jersey Licensed Contractor (13HE00002500).
We start all proposal requests with a detailed, onsite inspection by a trusted expert who will obtain information regarding your specific requirements and uses for your project. This allows us to generate custom estimates that fulfill your needs—from simple to complex marine projects. Our free proposal will also cover all building material specifications including grades, types and treatments.

Don’t wait any longer than you have to! Amon Construction will quote a price on your work in under a week!